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Topic: " I Wan't to Die"

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" I Wan't to Die"
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I have been in a relationship with a guy for 11 months which was really deep. We know each other since school but we never used to talk to each other at that time. I am a shy and conservative girl. I am 23 years old now. After 6 years, he messaged me on facebook and thats how we started knowing each other.

One day he insisted on meeting me.  S,o I meet him with my friends at my college. I just got to know from my mum that his mum gave a proposal to me, on the night before meeting him. I was shocked and wanted to tell him not to meet me but it was too late. Instead, I told my friends. After few days, I told him that I can't meet him anymore because of that event. He said that he didn't know about it and apologized for what his mum had done. I said still I can't and avoided his calls. One day, he called me and said that nothing will change between us even if we talk or don't (ie friendship). After a few days of meeting and chatting, he declared and sweared in the name of God and his mother that he loves me and can't live without me. After rejecting several times his offer to become his girlfriend before getting married to him, one day he cried a lot and begged me not to leave him. He said how his family struggled to come to the state they are in now, and so on. He said if I leave him he will be sad forever and will never talk to me. I told him that I didn't want to lose his friendship and I continued to talk to him whenever he called me.

Slowly and slowly I felt some feelings for him.  I went out with him and he promised not to leave me in the name of God and his mother.

One day, he asked me to show him my new house. After showing him my new house, he pulled me and was trying to open my clothes. When I pushed him and was trying to run away from him, he was pulling me. Wherever I was going, he was blocking my way, pulled me forcefully and pushed me onto the bed. I was crying and telling him to stop, but he didn't.

We finally had sex. After that I bled. On his way home, he called me up and said, "You are so innocent...anyone can use you!" I was shocked, afraid and was crying a lot. After the event, he stopped calling me like he used to do and whenever I used to call him and ask why..he used tell me that he was busy. He didn't even ask me once how was I feeling? After all it was my first sex which he knows it very well.

After a few months, he used to call me every Wednesday to ask me to meet him on Thursday. Everytime before meeting him, he used to promise me that he won't have sex with me but whenever we used to meet he always does even if I don't want to. If I don't want to, he either used to be sad and keep quiet or say,  "I have the right!"

Recently, I found out that he is getting married with someone else. When I called him, he said that his parents are not ready to listen to him. If he tells them about me they will die because it seems that his mum hates my mum.  We had a huge arguement over this. He even said that I was playing with him and that I didn't love him at all.

I was really shocked and depressed. He even said that he can't lose such an opportunity because the girl who he is getting married to is an intellectual and good in studies. I couldn't believe his words! I was so depressed and sick that I consulted a physician and she said that I am under acute depression and anxiety. I couldn't even tell her why because my mum was in the waiting room.

Finally, on his wedding day, I cried and told my dad everything (except for the illicit stuff). He became shocked and depressed. I asked to forgive me for whatever I did and to help me recover from such terrible event. He agreed and said to forget that guy as he never deserved me.

A few days after his wedding, I told my mum about what he said and asked her whether she said anything wrong about his mum. My parents said they didn't say anything bad neither about him nor his mum. Finally, my mum spoke to one her friend, who name was given out of those 3 sources. The aunt swore that she didn't say anything to his mum nor even spoke to his mum either. The aunt called him and asked about the event. The guy told everything what I told her about our family matters and said that he didn't say anything to me and that my parents told something bad about his mum! He said his sister was also there when he was speaking with me. His sister also said that I told him all these things!!!

When my mum told me this I was shocked to death!!! I couldn't believe my ears! Then what was reason to leave me?! I can't forget all will I lead a normal can I forget such an event!!! How can he tell such LIES!!! God is watching...He is the only witness I have...what will I do??? Why isn't He doing anything??? How will I live?!!! Why did he do this to me!!!

I feel like dying!!! I never wanted to have sex before my marriage......!!!!!! I wanted to keep this as a gift of God for my husband!!! Now I don't have anything to give and share!!! I hate myself!!! HOW COULD I DO SUCH MISTAKES!!! I want to die!!! I HATE MYSELF!!! Please Help ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!... I am great depression!!! I ca\'t forget what he did!!! what will I DO!!!

Source :

-- Edited by admin on Friday 7th of September 2012 09:05:39 AM

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first of all, that is quite sad event. Secondly, the guy is a total loser and a jerk for being like this. these kind of guys overshadow the true, honest, and loving guys. but it is the girl's fault too to a certain extent for being still in touch with him even after whatever had happened. If she wanted to be away then just break all possible connections but no she did not do that so it is the girl's fault too in this case.

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This is quite sad. The guy just dumped the girl. The girl should know since the first time that she was forced to have sex that the guy she has is not ok for her because they shouldn't have sex before marriage because if they have sex before marriage and the guy just left the girl alone... how can the girl take care of the child born?? Besides the girl should break up since the guy has no time for her and always tell the lie to her. True that the girl is seriously in love with the man, she should be serious with this and she should not be fooled by anyone (including this guy).

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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First, CALM DOWN!!!!! Especially you said that you believed in God, "in the name of God", don't hate yourself and saying that you want to die. Dying won't make anything better. Think about what would happen if you die. Your parents that always there for you until now would be "facepalming" if they know that their beloved daughter who they raise with care for more than a decade, decide to die. Whatever happen you DO NOT deserves to die!

I believe there are quite a lot of people who have exactly the same situation like you. But you see, life must go on. You need to live in order for him to see that without him, you are strong enough to live. That guy is just a ...whatever word you want to put..., you deserves better. Take this as one of your life's hardest lesson (harder than Calculus or Physics that you learn in college). Understand it so that there won't be the same mistake.


In case you are addicted to him already, just think like this. In a parallel universe, you and him are living in harmony. So to be able to meet that "him", study hard and make a wormhole to go to that parallel universe and be with him.


"I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers." - Mahatma Gandhi
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It is impossible to erase the past... It is also quite impossible to forget such horrible things. First of all, you have to stop thinking 'emotionally' but rather, start thinking 'logically'. A guy who forces his will and actions on another when they are not willing is already a sign of something bad. You should've already stopped the relationship since the first time he forced you to do that and called and said 'you're so innocent' n all that. However, the past cannot be changed, you can only learn from it and don't fret over what you could've done.

Another thing, do you literally mean it when you said u wanna die? You should think about which path to take in the future rather than dwelling in the past. I know it is hard. Still, if you're considering the choice of committing suicide, then you ought to know the future only belongs to the living. Every cloud has a silver lining. The day will come that you will find someone who really deserves you. There will be a day when you can look back and say to yourself that it is worth it that you live. If you think all these possibilities is not convincing enough, then think about those you will be leaving behind. Your suffering will probably end if you disappear. Still, is it your wish to create more despair to those who loves you? Think about your parents and keep your head up high. Don't repeat the same mistakes and live to find a brighter day.


'Aim for the moon, cuz if you miss.. you'll still land among the stars.' 

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Reading this post, I can say for sure that this is not the girl's fault at all. Everything started with the guy, got screwed up because of the guy, and ended drastically and sadly because of the guy. This is not the girl's fault at all.
This guy is a complete abuser and user. He may also have some sort of mental illness. He made up stories, told lies, and abused this girl. It seemed like he thought that she was his property. This guy may also be just using this girl to satisfy his ever needing thirst for sexual intercourse (as he was already getting married).

I would recommend this girl to see a psychologist to help her sort out her problems, or maybe even just a very close friend who she can tell everything to. That way, she can get some good or professional advice. This girl also needs to calm down, as she is now very unstable. About the guy, I would advice her to never meet him again.

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According to me, this is quite a depressing event. The girl was forced to have sex and that is not morally correct even though this is like an every day issue. People should realize that is not okay to play with others emotions. It seems like the guy just used the girl like she was his own personal toy. He doesn't realize that the girl also has her feelings. After all the issues that have occurred it is normal for her to feel the way she is feeling. The girl is totally heart broken that's why she is thinking about dying. She is no position to show her face to anyone. But obviously I would not support her decision of dying. Instead I would just want to tell her to take some time and try to calm herself. If she cannot focus properly then she will end up doing unreasonable things.

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It's very sad. The boy just tricked her and i feel he didn't love her. The boy said he will not leave her, but he did. He lied to her. Moreover, that event happened without her will. If he really loves her, he shouldn't do those things. The girl also had a problem on herself. She couldn't reject him, so that event happened. However, she shouldn't think to die. There are people who still care about you. It's not possible to erase the past. It's very difficult to forget about that kind of past, but the girl has to move on. It's not the end of life. There is someone who deserves her. The most important thing is to think her future in positive way and to not make the same mistakes.

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This guy is a total jerk and he doesn't deserve a girl. She's lucky that he's married to someone else. All he needs from her is just sex. It's impossible to change your past, but this girl could started her new life. Sex before marriage is actually acceptable. Your virginity is gone but you're breathing, it's not like you're gonna die. She needs to realize that she could have done something good for other in the future. Think about this as her goal. In the future, she may met another guy who really deserve her. All she needs to do now is to be cheered up

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its understandable for her to be in such a state. But that guy is a total *** hole, he should not deserve anything good in his already messed up life. So she should actually live on and try to go on in her usual normal life. She can find another decent guy who will actually bring back her life. And just look towards the future and not the past.

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I think that First the girl should calm down and think carefully. I believe that God is true, and also God can see that the guy is a loser, he is the one who damage the girl's live, and the guy is a super duper bad guy !!!!! I believe that "Good person must receive good things, and bad person must receive bad things" maybe it's still not the time yet for the man to receive his bad things, for what he done. Just be patient, and don't look at the past, we can't change the past, but we can change our future!!! it's not the girl's fault that she had sex, cause the guy force her. I think there will be some good man who understand this fact. So just calm down, relax, and change yourself. Don't stick with the past !!!! Stick with the present, and try to make your future better, even though it's not gonna be as good as the pure girl's future, but still the girl can make her future bright again!!!!

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i think sometimes you have to meet a bad person in your life in order to meet a new good one. Sometimes all these bad people will teach you how to value and who to value. if it did not kill you, it will only make you stronger, and if you survive that you will become extremely proud of yourself. There are a lot of people like you, some are worse. Also, karma exist, he will get it back one day and he will learn how to value a person. Just stay strong and live :)

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This is depressing. I feel pity for her. However, she shouldn't feel that way for herself. First of all, she should face the situation that this is real and this is happening to her. Then she should learn to love herself and stop blaming herself for what she had done because past is the past. Past cannot be changed or deleted. If I could talk to her directly, I would tell her that she's a very lucky girl. She was born with a completely healthy well-functioned body (not handicapped) that she was able to have sex. Both of her parent are still alive that she was able to express her feeling and stress to them. She's lucky that she is not getting married with the guy and would have a chance with someone else in the future. She's lucky to be able to experience love. She's lucky to be able to know what relationship is about. She's lucky that this is happening to her so that she could learn from it and understand life. Her problem is very small. Since the guy is leaving her anyway. She doesn't have to do anything but to forgive herself and others and learn from it. I understand that she values virginity so much but since it's already gone. I believe that she should learn to let it go. Everyone is going to die some day anyway. When problem comes, I think we should take advantages from it by learning the mistakes and make a better future.

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The girl does not have any fault. It was the guy who was abusing the girl. It could be very hard to manage this but she have to accept herself first. She should not blame herself for the happening. Then consulting with a psychologist or a counselor would help her best. I hope that she will overcome this and find a better person who will understand and love her the way she is. :)

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I feel sad about the girl for getting tricked by that boy, the boy just raped her because she doesn't wanted to do. However she shouldn't think negatively of herself. First, she should think carefully that what did the boy did to her, and she should never trusted on anyone even though they swear or not because one day or any day, people can change their mind. So this is a lesson for her to learn that swearing to God wouldn't let a relationship stay longer. Next time when is find a better guy than him, she know what to do. She should live on and show that she is strong and deserve a better person than him. Everyone makes mistake, and they will fix it to try not to let it happen again. The past is the past, it cannot be erase easily but to leave it out of our memory, we got to move on and make a better future for ourselves.



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Don't worry someday he will pay for what he did. These kind of people will never be happy or successful in life.

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You just have to learn how to love yourself more. Appreciate what is happening today and enjoy your life. You may think how can the world be the same when something so bad had happened. Yes you are right the world won't be the same. But at least you learn something out of it and it will be useful experience for you in the future.

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I think the girl should calm herself first. I think the parents should tell the boy's parent and talk to them about it. The girl should not hold on to this and she should go on with her life. The fact won't change and it will be better for her to keep this event as a past and make her future. She should not be caught by the past and lose her life.

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just calm down, maybe consult some psychologist. forget him, he is a jerk and doesnt deserve anything. and he married already. just forget this event in life and eventually she will find someone. there is nothing she can change about this situation.

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He doesn't deserve anyone especially you. He is a real jerk. I really feel pity for a girl who is going to become his wife. I think you are very luck that he dumped you. All you have to do is try to move on. I believe that what happened in the past, should stays in the past. Everybody made mistakes. Mistakes and hard times only shaped you to become a stronger person. Moreover, your only mistake was trusting him too much. So you should stop blaming yourself for being too good and innocent. Be thankful that you are still alive and you still have a very bright future waiting for you. All you have to do is try to get yourself back together and wait for things to fall back to its places. Maybe it might take some time for you to heal the pain and to forget all the bad memories but I believe you can get through it. There are so many more things in life for you to appreciate, so stop looking back to things that hurt you. It is not who you were yesterday but who you are today that matters. Revisiting the painful past can contribute little or nothing to what you need to do now. I hope that you will become stronger and be able to find a better person who knows your worth.

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It's not the girl's fault at all for getting in this mess. i want to tell the girl to forget about the past and move on with her normal life. If she is feeling depressed and angry she can talk to a counselor. Someday she is going to meet a better person in her life

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The guy is a total scumbag. I felt so sorry for the woman to be 'used' by the man. I think the woman should talk to parents of both hers and his, and this is against the law, therefore, she can contact the lawyer to help her with this problem. And don't worry for her 'gift of God', because if she found the man who truly love her, the past is nothing. We will never know what lies ahead of us in the up coming future. Therefore, gets up and be prepared for the unknown future. Be strong and move on.

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This is a pretty sad story. This guy is such a jerk and the woman doesn't deserve him at all. I know it is hard to forget the past, but don't let the past ruins your future. He is just a guy that you should be wasted your time with, even thinking about what happened between you and him is wasted your time. You should be strong and find something to do, so you will concentrate on what you are doing and it might help you to forget him.

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This is a very sad story. The guy was a real total jerk. You should not hate yourself for what he did and if you went and killed yourself, what will happen to your parents and by killing yourself you are giving him the satisfaction of winning, You are your own life, you are the writer of it and God is the director have faith in him and everything will come in its places. And one of these days the guy will get what he deserve.

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The guy is really an A-hole. But yes, life goes on and she has to live with what has happened to her. I hope this guy get what he deserves. Either way, the girl needs to pick herself up and try to move on with life. One day she'll meet a man that is worthy for her and deserves her.


Tap before it Snaps

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Yeah I agree with u Jamess the guy is an A-hole. He has no right to force her to have that kind of realationship. He actually just has no quality of a man at all. A man should bet a gentle man, and also must respect what ever the girl decides. Eventhough the guy actually love the girl or the girl love the boy they, must actually wait for the right time. If they do not wait for the right time, they might not be able to accept the consequences after that. So actually if they both love each other just wait for the right time. But in this case i say the girl is right to dump the guy.

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Consider this sad event as an obstacle in life that you have to face while living through this life. The past told you, who you used to be but not who will become. Sex is a beautiful thing that is given to us by God so it should be a happy moment when two people enjoy their time together. The guy has been acting in a very disrespectful way and he doesn't show that he love you anymore so let not the past destroy you and let these lessons lead you to the right path.

"I do say things that I think will shock people. But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it." - Eminem
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I believe that the man has a lack of security. Therefore, the unlucky girl has to be the substitute where he finds pleasure. He might have family issues or his family might have him involved into an arranged marriage. He might have loved the girl, but just does not know how to show it. He has the love language of physical touch and having to like showing it the aggressive way which is not compatible to the woman's.


"Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections" : )

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sasawatc wrote:

First, CALM DOWN!!!!! Especially you said that you believed in God, "in the name of God", don't hate yourself and saying that you want to die. Dying won't make anything better. Think about what would happen if you die. Your parents that always there for you until now would be "facepalming" if they know that their beloved daughter who they raise with care for more than a decade, decide to die. Whatever happen you DO NOT deserves to die!

I believe there are quite a lot of people who have exactly the same situation like you. But you see, life must go on. You need to live in order for him to see that without him, you are strong enough to live. That guy is just a ...whatever word you want to put..., you deserves better. Take this as one of your life's hardest lesson (harder than Calculus or Physics that you learn in college). Understand it so that there won't be the same mistake.


In case you are addicted to him already, just think like this. In a parallel universe, you and him are living in harmony. So to be able to meet that "him", study hard and make a wormhole to go to that parallel universe and be with him.

 I was almost into your comment until you said "Your parents that's always there for you until now would be "facepalming".... Can't you use other vocabs? hahahaha, but I like your comment because you make the high-tension environment lessen and I also agree with your advices. Before you(the woman) think of dying, you should think of your parents first.

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In my opinion, it's not your(woman's) fault. You should find someone you trust to talk with and tell that person about the things you've always kept in your heart that make you feel depressed, stressed, and uncomfortable. Another option, is the write the things you feel down. Then after that you can burn, tear, or do anything to get rid of the paper. After doing that, you might feel better and not too depressed like now. When you're not under depression then you can think of how to solve your problems.

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What is done, is done. You can't just simply delete your history/memory. All you can do is move forward. All these events should be like a lesson to remind to you be careful and choose guys carefully before you date. Don't hate yourself for what you did, love yourself because you learned a lot of things. Now, you won't make the same mistakes again and moreover, you won't make other mistakes.

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First of all, it is already weird that suddenly he started talking to her. It's very obvious. And I think the girl is too innocent and positive. She shouldn't be meeting him after he force her to have sex with him the first time. And then later every time when they meet. But then it's the past, and she can't fix it anymore. I think it is not too late to start over with someone better. And take this as a lesson in life, because some of the lesson you can't learn from it without facing it yourself. I think it is not too late to start her life again. Maybe it needed time, and so she will be sure to know the guy better before falling for him. And I think that this guy has some mental problems. He should get some check up sometimes.

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Firstly, she trusted that guy too much. She should be more careful when guy come and talk suddenly. And also, there is a problem that she never checked what is truth until guy gonna get married. It's very sad story, but she can't erase the past. However, if she seek it positively, it was good not to married with that jerky guy. She should face to the future and find better guy who deserve her.

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This is a very common thing even though it is very sad. There is nothing the girl can do but move on because if she hurts herself because of this event, she will be giving up and letting that guy control her life. The girl was planning on remaining inexperienced till her marriage, but her virginity was forcefully taken from her, but if you look at it, losing your virginity is not a good enough reason to hate yourself or kill yourself. If you will find a person right for you or someone you want to marry, that person will accept you the way you are. You did not want this event to happen, but letting it rule your life is a worse choice. I know it is hard to move on, but the girl will have to give it a try. Forget that guy and stop blaming yourself, but take this event and make yourself stronger.


***Life is good, so take it EASY!!!***

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In my point of view, it is depressing indeed, but still I hear about cases like often. What I hate about reading these stories is its innocence and how it makes the reader sad and depressed about the evils in this world. I wish I could help all these girls with their situation. I hate the fact that I can't directly help them. Getting back to the solution, she can't do anything except move on. She should leave the rest to God. The guy has done wrong, and wrong will definnitely happen to him. NO matter how, but bad will happen to the guy for his mistakes. The girl can now just move on with her life, try to forget all of this, and live her life to the fullest.

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She shouldn't be caring if that boy is really bad to her. She needs to continue with her life because her life is not depend on him. She shouldn't trust everything that he said, she should stop blaming herself from anything and start her own life. Whatever will happen just let it happen, but try not to depend on him.

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I think the girl is used like a toy and the boy as a total jerk didnt even realize that girls have feeling. She was forced to have sex which is something really depressing because the didnt wanted to do it. I really pity the girl, if Im in her situation I would just commit suicide but I would wish someone would remind me that there are much more reasonable things to do than dying. I would support her to calm down and focus. This would take lots of time but its better than commiting suicide. I think she shouldnt be staying alone because then no one can remind her and she might influence herself in doing such thing that later she'll regret. I just wish no one in this world would have to face something like this.. Its really horrible.

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This is so sad. I feel sorry for the girl because she doesn't deserve it. The boy is just played with the girl and that maybe he lied to her from his very first day that they talked. He's the worst and I don't think he'll be successful or happy in his life. The girl should move on and don't think of the past. She should forget about it because it's worthless. The past is just mistake, it's an experience that will lead she to the better place. I believe her future husband will understand because this isn't something she wanted to do. She was forced to do this thing. The girl should find something else to do and she should never talk or meet with that guy again. He's the worst of all.

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Firstly, I want to say that, "Are you running away from problems?" Death is just a selfish way to save yourself from troubles. You mentioned God, however you are not prepared to depend on him. Try to calm down first and THINK! If you chose death, it might not even affect that man in the least, but will hurt the ones who loves you the most deeply. I believe there is no serious problems that could not be solved among family members, if you are willing to COMMUNICATE with each other. So girl, talk it through with your family first, then try to face the problems of that man with a level heart. Do not show him any weakness, for that will only satisfy him even more. Time will cause everything to fade, but what have had happened would never disappear, you will have to learn how to dealt with it.


"No one is born a genius. Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent"-Ohno Satoshi

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The girl is very confused about everything, and I understand. With everything that happened to her, she has the right to panic and whined up in all possible emotions. However, I don't understand why did the girl kept going back to the guy after everything that he did to her. The guy seems to be very specious from the beginning anyways. Nevertheless, it's all the past and let it stay that way. As for the present, I think what the girl should do is to take a step back and turn her back on the guy. Even though it will be hard and painful, none of the problems that had happen before will occur again. I really want her to shut herself from the guy. Being with him obviously put her down mentally. A good guy would never ruin a girl's reputation. Also, everything is already out of hand, messing with it would just makes it worse. So, my best advice is for her to turn her back on him and just walk away.

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This story is so depressing. I feel bad for the girl that was forced to have sex before marriage. It seems like the guy just use this girl as his toy. I understand that this situation can lead to great depress. I think she shouldn't think of dying. She should find someone who can help her and who she could talk to. She really need time to feel better.

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What the guy did was not right. He should not force her to have sex with him. And all he wanna do was to take her virginity. Which is not right. Having sex before marriage is not good, especially when the other person doesn't want to. But you can't go back in time and fix what had already happened. I think she had to move on. He does not deserve her. She will eventually get over him and stop regretting about what he had done to her. This things take time but eventually she will heal, and be happy again.

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Don't be shy; spread what he has done to you to make everyone know how terrible he is. Keep telling this story until everyone around him knows it and his wife, too. You should make him terrible as you can. He may lose his temper. This time, you are a coyote; do not let him live without realizing what he has done to you.

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keep trying and pray to god, soon you will success

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wiphavit wrote:

This guy is a total jerk and he doesn't deserve a girl. She's lucky that he's married to someone else. All he needs from her is just sex. It's impossible to change your past, but this girl could started her new life. Sex before marriage is actually acceptable. Your virginity is gone but you're breathing, it's not like you're gonna die. She needs to realize that she could have done something good for other in the future. Think about this as her goal. In the future, she may met another guy who really deserve her. All she needs to do now is to be cheered up

Woah, i totally agree with your post! The girl should appreciate how she didnt end up with this guy. Hopefully she'll meet someone better inthe future

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The guy is a total scumbag. The girl really doesn't deserve all this. There is nothing that can be done after all this have happen. The only thing that can be done is for the girl to find a new guy whom respect her and she really love. When that happen she will gradually forget the guy and everything that have happen. The girl didn't do anything wrong everything that happen is done to her forcefully, so any other guy who really love her will understand and don't judge her.

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wiphavit wrote:

This guy is a total jerk and he doesn't deserve a girl. She's lucky that he's married to someone else. All he needs from her is just sex. It's impossible to change your past, but this girl could started her new life. Sex before marriage is actually acceptable. Your virginity is gone but you're breathing, it's not like you're gonna die. She needs to realize that she could have done something good for other in the future. Think about this as her goal. In the future, she may met another guy who really deserve her. All she needs to do now is to be cheered up

 I really agree with wiphavi idea. She is lucky enough that she does not end up with a selfish guy like him. Nobody know what he will do and what kind of husband he will be. I feel kind of pity for the other girl that the guy married to. A scumbag like him can never be a good husband, not to mention good parents. She is lucky enough to get a chance to live a new life and find a new guy who doesn't judge her or want anything from her. A guy that really love her for what she is.

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This is so sad. I feel sorry for the girl because she doesn't deserve it, but she is lucky to find a new guy that is better.

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Ok first of, this girl really needs help from a real psychiatrist or talk this out to someone in her family. About what that guy did to her could it be considered a rape? because it's not consensual. She should have call the police or do something to that guy when she get a chance. Anyway, what's done is done I think she should try to start over and be strong until she met someone who truly love her. 

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She needs time and the guy shouldn't have done what he did. I think as time passes, the girl will regain her sense of security and everything will start to be better!

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