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Topic: Senior Excursion

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Senior Excursion
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let's continue the talks of the old synergyboard forum topic regarding the Excursion.


options were of Korea/Bali and Phuket.

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well, i think it's fine anywhere as long as it's comfortable for us all!! :)

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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ThanyalakT wrote:

Maldives is a good idea lol. Wouldn't it b kind of expensive though? Korea is okay for me too. Though i seriously have no idea what is there in Bali... never really look it up. I went to Phuket once before, but going with friends would b nice :) Btw, what with the 50 words per post limit thingy? How come i never knew about it? I mean... more like.. i don't really get what this 50 words per post limit is supposed to be about? :0

 Thanya the 50 words requirement is to control students from spamming. I will seriously monitor this new forum to get rid of members who think they can get a good grade by just spamming.

-- Edited by admin on Saturday 8th of September 2012 09:58:11 PM

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Anywhere, that is not Ekamai International School! But wanna go to Silicon Valley (seems impossible). I think we should go to Maldives before it sinks! However, I think that is boring for the girls because it wouldn't have shopping mall (just a joke not being sexist). LOL
I don't know what to type anymore to make it meet the 50 words per post limit. I am lazy to count, hope this reach 50 words!


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Maldives is a good idea lol. Wouldn't it b kind of expensive though? Korea is okay for me too. Though i seriously have no idea what is there in Bali... never really look it up. I went to Phuket once before, but going with friends would b nice :) Btw, what with the 50 words per post limit thingy? How come i never knew about it? I mean... more like.. i don't really get what this 50 words per post limit is supposed to be about? :0


'Aim for the moon, cuz if you miss.. you'll still land among the stars.' 

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I think anywhere is fine now. As long as we got all our friends, we will have fun!

But of course, price and location is still an issue. If the price is too high, or the location causes inconveniences for some of us, we would not be able to enjoy ourselves.

For me, Phuket and Bali sounds great right now. =P

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At least it's not too expensive, anywhere is fine for me. but I prefer Bali and Phuket. I've never been to Bali. I think i will have a good time there. Trip to Korea is expensive for me and the condition of weather is cold when we have an excursion. Oh.. and Maldives also sounds nice.

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Well i think that it's the best to choose a place, where we all united!!!! better not in Thailand ^^ But you still have to worried about the price too !!! so for me i think the best place is the cheap and good!! well i know that it's hard to find ^^ For me I want to go to Bali, I've never been there, and personally i don' really want to go to Korea that much :( By the way, I think that Maldives is also a nice idea, but how much will it cost ????

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phuket seems to be the most reasonable place

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anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)



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I think Phuket is best because we know the place and it wont be hard for us to communicate! And yea as long as we are together!

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yiting wrote:

anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)

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sasawatc wrote:

Anywhere, that is not Ekamai International School! But wanna go to Silicon Valley (seems impossible). I think we should go to Maldives before it sinks! However, I think that is boring for the girls because it wouldn't have shopping mall (just a joke not being sexist). LOL
I don't know what to type anymore to make it meet the 50 words per post limit. I am lazy to count, hope this reach 50 words!

 5555 Sasawat, I like the sentence "Anywhere, that is not Ekamai International School" LOL!! Btw, does the thing happen to Maldives according the 2013 prediction that the Earth will be destroyed?! Also Sasawat, SEXIST!! LOL. Just only no shopping mall doesn't mean the girls will be bored you know? (Which I think you know, but just to make up some jokes though). For 50 words, just write anything in your mind man, seriously you don't have to count. ^^  "Just Think and Write!"

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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admin wrote:
ThanyalakT wrote:

Maldives is a good idea lol. Wouldn't it b kind of expensive though? Korea is okay for me too. Though i seriously have no idea what is there in Bali... never really look it up. I went to Phuket once before, but going with friends would b nice :) Btw, what with the 50 words per post limit thingy? How come i never knew about it? I mean... more like.. i don't really get what this 50 words per post limit is supposed to be about? :0

 Thanya the 50 words requirement is to control students from spamming. I will seriously monitor this new forum to get rid of members who think they can get a good grade by just spamming.

-- Edited by admin on Saturday 8th of September 2012 09:58:11 PM

 Ahh.. so this 50 words thing is real. Okay, sir. Thank you for the info sir :) I'll keep that in mind and will make sure I do not spam or attempt to spam in any ways lol :P However, I do not think that most of us know about this 50 words thing... Or maybe others know, but I am the only one who seems to have miss out on this? :/ Anyways, thank you again sir :)


'Aim for the moon, cuz if you miss.. you'll still land among the stars.' 

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My personal opinion would be Phuket because its easy for us to communicate with the locals there.


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yiting wrote:

anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)

 that's true :)

but I guess we will end up at Phuket lol

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Phuket or any other local place has its own perks. It is cheap, we can communicate with the locals easily, and obviously there is ease of access. But every single year people go to the same place. I think we should try a different place this time. It doesn't have to be too far away! Malaysia or Indonesia(bali) seem like good options! I am certainly in favor of going abroad!

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I agree with you Narada, cause when we go to far places the risk is quite alot, and there might be more problems coming up, I guess so :)

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yiting wrote:

anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)

 Yeah, it's going to be nice if every single one of us attend the senior excursion. I go for any place that seniors 2013 can be closer to each other. As long as we are all together... :)

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You are kinda a right pear, as long as the trip will be a memorable one and whenever we face anything difficult in life, this trip should be a reminder that we still have a bond of friend that no matter how far away you are from them today they will never let us walk alone, they will always give up a hand when u need them.

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Anywhere would be memorable since we will only have it once and this might be the last time that we might see each other ever again. This trip should be something of a bitter sweet memory that all of us could share and when we look back at it, it should give us that glimpse of a smile. I don't where we go and what are the problems that await, I am looking forward to it.

"I do say things that I think will shock people. But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it." - Eminem
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Narada wrote:
yiting wrote:

anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)

 that's true :)

but I guess we will end up at Phuket lol

 i think so tooo. There is more risk if we go foreign country.

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I find with any location as long as the activities we have will be memorable and fun. Considering this is our last year together, the whole batch, I would like to do things that involve everyone working together and not small groups. I want the trip to be fun and exciting. It should be a location that is not so expensive, but comfortable at the same time.


***Life is good, so take it EASY!!!***

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5555 I agree with Hammy too. Cheap and good!!!

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I want to go to all of them. If we can hahaha. I think it's nice if we can go to other country together, it would be really good memory. I don't want to go to Phuket because I'm scare of the Szunami TOT really. Anyway, like what Yi-ting said, any where is fine as long as there's SR13

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OnumaC wrote:

I want to go to all of them. If we can hahaha. I think it's nice if we can go to other country together, it would be really good memory. I don't want to go to Phuket because I'm scare of the Szunami TOT really. Anyway, like what Yi-ting said, any where is fine as long as there's SR13

 LOL!! Tsunami? I don't think there will be one this year, though :D Anywhere we go, SR13 will make a blast LOL 

I would go for Bali and Korea though, it's nice to have ALL SR13 abroad. I heard from Orm that Bali has a low living cost, so the expense could be quite cheap. And of course I think it's going to be all beach and photo taking stuffs. I don't really know what's to play over there :S On the other hand, Korea, it basically can satisfy everyone(despite the fact that many people had already went there before). There's amusement park, shopping mall, tourist sites, oh yeah and food, and many many other stuffs too! :D and we all have our PRIVATE KOREAN GUIDES C;


"No one is born a genius. Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent"-Ohno Satoshi

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Nice quote ping, i hope that the thing i like would be my talent, but it is never gonna be i think so......

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shavikal wrote:

Nice quote ping, i hope that the thing i like would be my talent, but it is never gonna be i think so......

 LOL thanks Shavika, do you know it was a quote from ARASHI's leader~ XD U know Shavika, my hobbies never did become a talent until i spent countless of time on it. Just keep on doing what you like, being consitent in doing something you like is already a big accomplishment ;D


"No one is born a genius. Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent"-Ohno Satoshi

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ThanyalakT wrote:

Maldives is a good idea lol. Wouldn't it b kind of expensive though? Korea is okay for me too. Though i seriously have no idea what is there in Bali... never really look it up. I went to Phuket once before, but going with friends would b nice :) Btw, what with the 50 words per post limit thingy? How come i never knew about it? I mean... more like.. i don't really get what this 50 words per post limit is supposed to be about? :0


that is a really good suggestion dude. Maldives is extremely beautiful and it mainly consists of beaches. Bali is extremely beautiful. if you guys have not seen it yet then atleast google it up and see the pics. it is truly amazing. Phuket should be kept as a plan B and Bali/Maldives for plan A. Korea is a straight no from my side.

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I really want to go to Phuket because I have never been there, but most of us already visited there many times. Also I think Korea is cold when we visit. Bali is good because it is new for us. I want to go new country; Phuket and Korea are not new.

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I don't want to go Korea :( It is going to be very cold in Jan!!

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I think it's very excited if we go to foreign country for senior excurtion.

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sujung wrote:

I don't want to go Korea :( It is going to be very cold in Jan!!

 nvm, if it's fun.

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yiting wrote:

anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)

Yeahhhh!!!! I agree!

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sasawatc wrote:

Anywhere, that is not Ekamai International School! But wanna go to Silicon Valley (seems impossible). I think we should go to Maldives before it sinks! However, I think that is boring for the girls because it wouldn't have shopping mall (just a joke not being sexist). LOL
I don't know what to type anymore to make it meet the 50 words per post limit. I am lazy to count, hope this reach 50 words!


I think it is impossible that we can go to Maldives 55555+.

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In my opinion, I think senior excursion can be anywhere in Thailand except in the school. I think Phuket or Mae Hong Sorn is the best place. I want to go there. It will be the best memory. 5555555555555!!!!!!!

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If we go to the foreign country for senior excursion, I think it will be excited for me. hahahaha

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There is 2 ideas now for the excursion, first is that we go to phuket, second is going to korea

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too bad bali is already canceled, the reason is it is expensive and is similar to phuket

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sujung wrote:

I don't want to go Korea :( It is going to be very cold in Jan!!

Cold places is good for mee!! But i think we will all end up in Phuket

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thanapat wrote:

If we go to the foreign country for senior excursion, I think it will be excited for me. hahahaha

 I agree! I want to go abroad too!


"Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections" : )

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anywhere is fine for me as long as it will be fun!

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shavikal wrote:

You are kinda a right pear, as long as the trip will be a memorable one and whenever we face anything difficult in life, this trip should be a reminder that we still have a bond of friend that no matter how far away you are from them today they will never let us walk alone, they will always give up a hand when u need them.

 I'm so touched. Honestly not sarcastically na. I really wish sr13 will all become lifetime friends.

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Anyways, did the sr13 officers came up with a conclusion of where we're gonna go for our excursion yet? 'cause I heard that it takes time to book the whole airplane right? 'cause sr13 is like 100+ people and I guess it's the whole plane hahahaha.

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Any place will be fine. an outing or a short trip to any places as long as we can get to relax and enjoy
Our moments together.

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piradeet wrote:

Anyways, did the sr13 officers came up with a conclusion of where we're gonna go for our excursion yet? 'cause I heard that it takes time to book the whole airplane right? 'cause sr13 is like 100+ people and I guess it's the whole plane hahahaha.

whoaaaa, a whole plane to ourselves? this sounds great! let's get them to have a huge SENIOR13 sticker on the side of the plane too, that would just be bosssssssss
but wait a minute, aren't plane capacities like 300 people or something? then we would be occupying half of the plane. the other passengers are gonna be unhappyy hahaha

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By the way when is senior excursion again? I think anywhere is find by me as long as it doesn't cost too much. The important thing is we all must have a good time together:)

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i want to have a campfireeee haha

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I want to go to Maldive !!!

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I believe than Maldian will be very friendly and funny.

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