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Topic: Tip - Good or Bad???

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Tip - Good or Bad???
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Yesterday after I came back from ROTC with the school bus to EIS, I left my bag at the Auditorium and went for my personal business in Building 9. After done with my business, I just go to the BTS like I used to. After I reach my destination, I just remember that I forgot my bag at school. But then I was lazy to go back, so I just walk to my house, then I just remember that I kept my keys in my bag. So now I really need to get back my bag.

So I quickly walk to the BTS back to Ekamai, and hop onto a motorbike to go to school. On the way, I was thinking if the driver will wait for me to get my bag, because it will be hard to find a new bike around there during that time. But then when I reach school I ask him, and he agrees to wait. So I quickly ran to get my bag and back, and yay he is still wait (obviously because I haven't paid him anything LOL). I again, hop up on the bike and go back to the BTS. On the way back, I have a thought about how much should I pay him. Rarely a motobike will wait for me, and usually if they wait, they will just charge me double which is 40 baht. But this guy seems to be a good guy, so I thought he might lower the price for me. But if he lower it for me, should I still pay him the usual 40 baht because he waits for me, or only as much as he asked. Anyways, times up, we reach the BTS and I pay him only as much as he asked (30 baht). My logic is, if I pay him 40 baht, he might charge 40 baht to other customers also, which will make other people need to pay more! And also, I wouldn't have a good excuse to give him the 10 baht tip to him.

So what do you guys (girls) think? Do you agree with giving tips or not?


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I think giving him an extra 10 baht wouldn't hurt. :)


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Depends if you want to or not. I'd give him a little tips for his kindness I don't care if he will charge others extra money or not. That's their problem lol

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i think giving him is a good idea, if he is a good guy as what you've said, then giving him more won't be a bad idea

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Give him money for what he asked for. However, if you're feeling generous and that he took some trouble, then give him the 10 baht. Personally, I would have given him the 10 baht. In addition, tip giving is a normal thing in today's society. Isn't it?

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Actually you can give him separately. You can at first give him the 30 baht he charged you and then give him the extra 10 baht later telling him that this is especially for his kindness that he waited for you. I think if he's a good guy he won't charge other customers extra 10 baht. But I think you already did good, if you have already thank him then it's fine. He'll already be happy. 'cause if it's me I don't think I'll dare give him the extra 10 baht 'cause he might think it's an insult.... I don't know, just feel that I'm younger I shouldn't do that hahaha :D

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Oh, I forgot to answer your question. I just gave my opinion on what you might have done hahaha. Sorry. So I think tips are fine if you're on the right position, on the right time, and on the right age... I guess :)

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hahaha Sasawat I love how you think so much about these little things.
well I would give him extra (i wouldn't consider it tipping though) if he was a nice guy. But there's the possibility that giving him extra would make him charge or at least expect higher in the future, so it's kind of a conflict.

On the topic of tipping, i think it's really up to you. Tip if you feel like they deserve it. Dont if they give you bad service. That's just me though. What about you all?

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I think i would like to pay more gratuity only when i recieved a tremendously wonderful service, and if you're really impressed by his kindness then pay more :)

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hsiangyu wrote:

I think giving him an extra 10 baht wouldn't hurt. :)

I agree haha

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piradeet wrote:

Actually you can give him separately. You can at first give him the 30 baht he charged you and then give him the extra 10 baht later telling him that this is especially for his kindness that he waited for you. I think if he's a good guy he won't charge other customers extra 10 baht. But I think you already did good, if you have already thank him then it's fine. He'll already be happy. 'cause if it's me I don't think I'll dare give him the extra 10 baht 'cause he might think it's an insult.... I don't know, just feel that I'm younger I shouldn't do that hahaha :D

 I like your idea piradee! and maybe give 5 baht instead if you don't want to give 10 baht haha

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I agree too !!!

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You are thinking too much!!! Just do what you feel right! I think you should give him more, atleast he is a good guy and wait for you. Thinking too much is sometimes good but not in this case. He is a good and sincere guy only charging 30 baht when most people charge 40. Being good deserve something good, so i think you should give him the extra 10 baht as a tip for being a good guy!

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SherwinNg wrote:

hahaha Sasawat I love how you think so much about these little things.
well I would give him extra (i wouldn't consider it tipping though) if he was a nice guy. But there's the possibility that giving him extra would make him charge or at least expect higher in the future, so it's kind of a conflict.

On the topic of tipping, i think it's really up to you. Tip if you feel like they deserve it. Dont if they give you bad service. That's just me though. What about you all?

 I agree with Sherwin!!! Sasawat, i think you really is thinking too much, and if you think the driver deserve it, then you should give him. It is an act of kindness.

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panchanoky wrote:
piradeet wrote:

Actually you can give him separately. You can at first give him the 30 baht he charged you and then give him the extra 10 baht later telling him that this is especially for his kindness that he waited for you. I think if he's a good guy he won't charge other customers extra 10 baht. But I think you already did good, if you have already thank him then it's fine. He'll already be happy. 'cause if it's me I don't think I'll dare give him the extra 10 baht 'cause he might think it's an insult.... I don't know, just feel that I'm younger I shouldn't do that hahaha :D

 I like your idea piradee! and maybe give 5 baht instead if you don't want to give 10 baht haha

 Yeah 5 baht is already fine. It's not about the amount of money. It's about those words the money speaks hahahaha. Sounds familiar huh? (It's about those words the gift speaks.) Anyways, I think the money speaks the thankfulness you had for him so it's not about how much money you give to him.

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piradeet wrote:
panchanoky wrote:
piradeet wrote:

Actually you can give him separately. You can at first give him the 30 baht he charged you and then give him the extra 10 baht later telling him that this is especially for his kindness that he waited for you. I think if he's a good guy he won't charge other customers extra 10 baht. But I think you already did good, if you have already thank him then it's fine. He'll already be happy. 'cause if it's me I don't think I'll dare give him the extra 10 baht 'cause he might think it's an insult.... I don't know, just feel that I'm younger I shouldn't do that hahaha :D

 I like your idea piradee! and maybe give 5 baht instead if you don't want to give 10 baht haha

 Yeah 5 baht is already fine. It's not about the amount of money. It's about those words the money speaks hahahaha. Sounds familiar huh? (It's about those words the gift speaks.) Anyways, I think the money speaks the thankfulness you had for him so it's not about how much money you give to him.


Quote of the day! Piradee you're so kind-hearted lol I agree it's not about the money but we just want to show we are grateful for what he did :) 

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You should give him the tip because he waited for you, and with the nature of the motorcycle taxis these days, he very well deserves it!

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It can be good or bad depends on your intention

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But for me I don't usually give a lot of tip because I can't find my own money yet.

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piradeet wrote:

Actually you can give him separately. You can at first give him the 30 baht he charged you and then give him the extra 10 baht later telling him that this is especially for his kindness that he waited for you. I think if he's a good guy he won't charge other customers extra 10 baht. But I think you already did good, if you have already thank him then it's fine. He'll already be happy. 'cause if it's me I don't think I'll dare give him the extra 10 baht 'cause he might think it's an insult.... I don't know, just feel that I'm younger I shouldn't do that hahaha :D

hahaha I understand how you feel. Yeah, the guy might take it as an insult, so I would not be sure of what to do too. But Sasawat said he waited for him, so that means that he was a kind of kind guy right? If he was then he should take kindly to your gratuity!

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I think it depends. For me, I would give him extra money if I feel like giving, but I wouldn't give if I don't.

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Nhop-anon wrote:
SherwinNg wrote:

hahaha Sasawat I love how you think so much about these little things.
well I would give him extra (i wouldn't consider it tipping though) if he was a nice guy. But there's the possibility that giving him extra would make him charge or at least expect higher in the future, so it's kind of a conflict.

On the topic of tipping, i think it's really up to you. Tip if you feel like they deserve it. Dont if they give you bad service. That's just me though. What about you all?

 I agree with Sherwin!!! Sasawat, i think you really is thinking too much, and if you think the driver deserve it, then you should give him. It is an act of kindness.

 hahahahhahah.. SASAWATTTTT ,,  he was kind and nice so there's no wrong to give him tips :) 

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For me what I see in the society is that in expensive restuarant people tip more than in kuay tieaw shop, because they are scared that they will look bad. But I think they should change and give poor shop more tips and give expensive shop less tip because they already add up the service charge and VAT and stuff ,also they are already rich.

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I think it was nice of him to wait even though you haven't paid him anything and that was probably the main reason he was still there. But i think you should have paid him extra because you said he seemed like a nice guy and being a motorbike driver is a tired job. He actually could just run off and left you there if he was lazy. He probably won't charge people more because he was the one who asked for less money and you will be the one who is generous to give him more. So i think its fine. =D

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Natrada wrote:

For me what I see in the society is that in expensive restuarant people tip more than in kuay tieaw shop, because they are scared that they will look bad. But I think they should change and give poor shop more tips and give expensive shop less tip because they already add up the service charge and VAT and stuff ,also they are already rich.

 Yes annie. I agree with you. I have been in a restaurant and all their vat and stuff is like 100 baht. I could have eaten 3 or 4 bowls of kuay teaw. Poor shops deserve more tips too because they are not greedy. They probably make good food and don't even ask for service charge. In some shops, their service is even better than the rich shops. Tip is good but just look at the situation before tipping. See how much they deserve from you seeing from their actions and how they serve you.

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I don't think so that he'll charge 40 bath to other customers. We just have a mercy to other people. If I be you, I will give him a tip. Because I think it can make a merit for myself. Just a little tip like 5 bath. That's it : )

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well its good you atleast gave him something extra other than nothing

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I think you should give him that 10 baht tip to the driver. Because you ask him to wait while you were running to get your bag. If you didnt ask him to wait, he might get anoter customer, and he'll earn more. And one more thing 40 baht isn't a large amount of money, so 40 will be fine for me if i'm ask him to wait, and go back to the place where he picked you up.

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I think lets give each other a free hug. Not in a homosexual way but in a manly way done by Mr. Sasawat

-- Edited by Apithats on Friday 5th of October 2012 12:39:40 PM

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i think you should give him the extra 10 bhat tip as medh mentioned above he would have get another customer if not 10 bhat you could buy him a bottle of water or whatsover as well but its okay next time you can do it because you learn from your mistakes

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