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Topic: One of the Weirdest News I've ever read

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One of the Weirdest News I've ever read
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Woman Eats Sponges

Kerry Trebil**** Has Eaten 4,000 Sponges And 100 Bars Of Soap

Dental nurse Kerry Trebil**** has eaten 4,000 sponges and over 100 bars of soap, but it hasn't been in the name of oral hygiene.

The Sun reported that Trebil****, 21, suffers from pica, a rare disorder that causes sufferers to crave non-food items. In Trebil****'s case, this means washing sponges and organic soap. She told the Sun that she began to have these bizarre cravings in 2008, after contracting hookworm in Morocco. "I didn't want to tell anyone as I felt like a freak," she said. "But after a week I'd eaten nine sponges and over a pound of organic soap."

Just because she eats non-food items, however, does not mean that Trebil**** is not particular. She prefers lemon- and lime-flavored soaps, and she described to the Sun how she used to meticulously prepare sponges for consumption: "If I went out for the day," she said, "I'd carry a small plastic bag of cut-up pieces of sponge with some tomato and BBQ sauce in Tupperware. I was never without a 'snack.'"

Though Trebil**** also eats regular food, her heavy consumption of sponges -- in the past, she sometimes ingested five a day -- and soap has caused her severe constipation, diarrhea, and stomach cramps, according to the Telegraph.

Due to embarrassment, Trebil**** did not seek medical attention until 2009. Since then, vitamin supplements and counseling have helped her improve, but she still struggles with the disorder. Trebil**** told the Sun that she still consumes a one-inch sponge square and three teaspoons of organic soap with every meal.

Pica is underreported and often unrecognized, so the prevalence of the disorder is difficult to estimate. While Trebil**** craves sponges and soap, other individuals with pica may eat a variety of non-food items, including dirt, rocks, wood, paper, light bulbs and furniture.****_n_1310607.html

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That really weird! how can she not die

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THAT IS REALLY WEIRD...... She might has a really good digestive system..... O.o

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It'll not be helpful to her health. I think I've tasted soap accidentally and it doesn't taste good at all!! I wish she get well soon.

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Soap and sponge o.0
never heard of this one before
Imagine knowing someone who eat soap

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I think she is kind of crazy - - LOL ^^ But weird people do exist!!!

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That is very very dangerous. It can really harm her!! How can she live with that!!

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Wow so sponges and soaps are edible? never know that before, not that I would like to try but it's interesting to see that someone could eat them as much and has no harmful effect at all O_o

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She is just so amazing.

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thats cool, wonder how it tastes, its good she is ok

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Wow. This is really scary and weird. That worm must have infected her. I never thought there would be a person who can eat that much soap can still be alive till now, and sponges too! I never thought it could be eaten. This is very interesting. The girl is also pretty. I hope she will be cured soon.

-- Edited by Caterina on Thursday 4th of October 2012 12:11:57 PM

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What the .....!!!! I find lots pf these people,,, eating glasses, plastic, paparrs and now sponges and soap!!!!

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sahawat wrote:

That really weird! how can she not die

Strongly agee!!! How can she live eating 4000 of them!!!

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Maybe it is her special skill !!!

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I know right... I first saw this news when I was at the states, my sister and I were like... omgsh. Atleast all those 4,000 sponges didn't kill her and plus she even looks beautiful and normal. I hope there's no one do what she's doing!

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She got some skill!!!!

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Wow, thanks for sharing some interesting story

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Tou wanna do like her ggai??

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Imagine biting a bar of soap... I can imagine the sound of it breaking hahaha

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That is really WEIRD!

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omg this has won the award for being so weird

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This is really scary and weird. amazing girl in the world.

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pitchac wrote:

This is really scary and weird. amazing girl in the world.

 yes she is really scary to be eating soaps and stuffs

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Once you ate it and the public knows it, it is the end. Your name will forever be the "soap eater"

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hahaha she will have nickname as the soap eater foreverrr ):

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Apithats wrote:

Once you ate it and the public knows it, it is the end. Your name will forever be the "soap eater"


LOL, this is hilarious. I think I'll already be called the soap eater if I have bitten it once. My friends will be laughing everytime they saw either the soap or me. I hope no one among us will do what she did though!

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