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Topic: DO you think we should have homework?

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DO you think we should have homework?
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I don't think we should have homework anymore

in some developed countries they choose not to give homework anymore

because they believe that when kids come home they should get to do some extra activities

or spend time resting and spend time with my family.

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spend time with their family*

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I think it is necessary for some subject to have homework. Subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, these should have homework. Because this subject is very important and is fundamental for kids to excel in their school and university. These subject can't be acquire by just learning in class but it need practice, by doing homework and practicing everyday is the only way to excel in these subjects.

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I don't think we should have homework !! We are at home because we want to rest and we are at school because we want to learn ^^ !!!

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H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. =

H = Half
O = Of
M = My
E = Effort
W = Wasted
O = On
R = Random
K = Knowledge

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No need home work any more, we have learnt much in the class, and yeah we all do remeber what have been taught in class

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I don't think so that we should have homework because when we come back home, we all have the extra work everyday. so we are very busy everyday.

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I agree to you too! I think we shouldn't have homework anymore.

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varis wrote:

H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. =

H = Half
O = Of
M = My
E = Effort
W = Wasted
O = On
R = Random
K = Knowledge

 I agree with this man hahaha

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Yes so eis should have no homework anymore, jat leave the work stuff at the school!

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teeramedh wrote:

Yes so eis should have no homework anymore, jat leave the work stuff at the school!

 Yes I agree with you Materollllllllllll!!!!!!

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kyeongyeonk wrote:
varis wrote:

H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. =

H = Half
O = Of
M = My
E = Effort
W = Wasted
O = On
R = Random
K = Knowledge

 I agree with this man hahaha

 I agree with this also hahaha

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Oh hoooo this is so true, we can use our time wisely and can do something else useful

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I think only some of all subject need to practice everyday. Some of the subject should have homework!!

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Strongly agree with thanapat, just some of subjects only need homeworks

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But, I think this synergy thing drives me crazy

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True that kky

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NO! Homework is a complete waste of time and it's just something that's complete redundant. Why not give us classwork and leave it at that? Homework creates more work for the students and as well as the teachers. Keep work for school and keep the home for resting, know what I'm saying?


"When they're not looking, punch them in the neck."

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It think its up to the subject. Some subject you need homework so you can practice and get better at it so you can learn something out of it. But, not like every subject and giving homework all the time. That is just torture.

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KhomthongR wrote:

NO! Homework is a complete waste of time and it's just something that's complete redundant. Why not give us classwork and leave it at that? Homework creates more work for the students and as well as the teachers. Keep work for school and keep the home for resting, know what I'm saying?

 Actually if you think carefully, it does help reviewing what we learned at school. We might be freaking dumb if we didn't have any homework, and life would not be very challenging. It doesn't mean I like homework though, I hate it

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We should not have homework. Because we already spend 7 hours in school everyday. We already learn lessons, and we have to do classwork. So why should we have a homework? And it wastes our time. If there's no homework, I think I'll sleep at 7pm. :)

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Yeahh waste of time doing the hw, u can use this time to do something else better

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varis wrote:

H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. =

H = Half
O = Of
M = My
E = Effort
W = Wasted
O = On
R = Random
K = Knowledge

 Hahahahaha. This is funny!

I think we should have more classwork and lesser homework! I agree with people who said we should spend more time with family! I think teachers should only give homework as a review sheet for a test such as vocabulary but not an everyday assignment... and homework like presentation and group project is ok!

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I think we should not have any homework. Because we study a lot at school and we have too much work to do at school already.

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yes we should because homeworks will make us more educated and become better versions of ourselfs

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I think it should depend on the subject and the lesson.... Sometimes, homework is like a waste of time because most of us don't really care to do it by ourselves.

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varis wrote:

H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. =

H = Half
O = Of
M = My
E = Effort
W = Wasted
O = On
R = Random
K = Knowledge

 Goooood one varis

it really waste on random knowledge.

at school is already enough

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kyeongyeonk wrote:

But, I think this synergy thing drives me crazy

 driving me maddd toooooo o.,0

so sleepy already

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ThanyalakL wrote:

I think it should depend on the subject and the lesson.... Sometimes, homework is like a waste of time because most of us don't really care to do it by ourselves.

 I think math is the only important subject and it shouldn't exceed 5 questions a day man

seriously some people live farrrrrrrrr away from school and it's already our last year

so many things to worry about uni and SAT and stuff

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no homework should be stopped during senior year because many people are plannign to go study and needs to prepare for colelge and university

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i think we shouldn't have a homework because after school you have to take a rest and spend time to family.but its depend on the subject.

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nono family comes first

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ThanyalakL wrote:

I think it should depend on the subject and the lesson.... Sometimes, homework is like a waste of time because most of us don't really care to do it by ourselves.

 agree, some homework is like a waste of time. but some homework help to improve your knowledge

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Natrada wrote:

I don't think we should have homework anymore

in some developed countries they choose not to give homework anymore

because they believe that when kids come home they should get to do some extra activities

or spend time resting and spend time with my family.

  Yes no homeworkkkkk we should use more time with our family and have quality timee hahah

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eis is still developing i think but as i see it is getting better every day

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i think homework is good- it helps to make me less lazy.

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I think we should have more internet homework

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yea apithat internet homework is really good but sometimes it is complicated to do like when the internet goes down ands tuffs you know?

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varis wrote:

H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K. =

H = Half
O = Of
M = My
E = Effort
W = Wasted
O = On
R = Random
K = Knowledge

 Hahahaaa Varis. I like what you posted. I totally agree with this. :D

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I think homework are a waste of time because it takes away the time that we can use to spend with our families!

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