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Topic: Help Please: I have Been Rejected

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Help Please: I have Been Rejected
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I have been rejected. I am very depressed. I love that girl and proposed to her. She directly rejected me. What should I do to make her fall in love with me? I am crazy after her. Help me. S.O.S.


-- Edited by admin on Friday 7th of September 2012 09:05:11 AM

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well, first of all, think of what her likes and dislikes are and then act accordingly though once she has rejected you, it seems difficult to change her opinion. if not then look at other girls of similar specs.

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This is quite hard because she already hates you and she decides to reject you. There's not really a chance of how can the relationship can goes on more than just a friend. Sometime, even the relationship of "friend" can't stay in this situation because she rejects you and thus don't want to be with you or don't want to know you. From there on, there's not really a chance of developing any relationship any further. Thus this was the end for both you and her.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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First, try to see if you have any similarity in likeness or not. If yes, try to use that as a way to reach her. But seeing this conversation, I assume that you already tried everything. I would say just give up. You can't be love by everyone. The reason you are being reject is basically because she doesn't love you. Even if you force her to marry you, you are making her life miserable. Therefore making your life as a couple not very healthy. Being friends is great too!


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You can continue trying to win her heart. However, this can leads to two possibilities. She can either despise you after doing so, or might start to consider you. Still, it all depends on why she rejected you. Is it something about your character that annoys her? Maybe your love language is not right for her. It is also possible that she already has someone whom she is interested in. Find out her reasons for rejecting you. After doing so, you will probably be able to do something about it. Think carefully about it. You might also consider going for someone who will be willing to love you back.


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Love is a powerful thing. One cannot directly express it to a girl. If one does that, clearly the guy is infatuated instead. Love is something that can't be directly expressed. It has to be subtly suggested by body gestures and acts of kindness. This guy seems like he's just had very first mistake in defining his feelings. He's not in love, he's infatuated. However, if he wants to continue his quest, I suggest not being so direct, rather being most suggestive and "cool" rather than direct and plain straight aggressive.

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If this guy really wants to win her heart, he should not rush it! He should take it easy, and start knowing her better first. He can try to spend more time around her, and do nice things for her. But since he's already asked her out, she is going to try to avoid him. This guy needs to take it easy. It also seems that he is a little bit obsessed with this girl, i would recommend to talk to a friend, and calm down. Right now, she may seem perfect, but a more careful analysis will show flaws and true colors.

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It's possible to make her fall in love with you, but first of all, you have to ask the girl why she rejected you. If you know the reasons, you can fix your attitude and it's good time to look at yourself again. If she hates you, you show her your good sides. Probably, she knows only your faults. Time is also important so don't rush and take your time. However, if she has someone whom she is interested, you should think of her feeling and don't be too persistent.

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Calm down first. Take things easy. Think about the reason why she rejected you. If you really love that girl, chase her again but this time in a smarter way like changing your 'bad' behavior. But if you really can't change yourself then just forget about her. She may not be the right one for you and you're just in the first stage of love. You may be too obsessed about her. Forget her and find a new girl.

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He should not rush into things if she already rejected him. Helpful or not, time is the only thing he has. Take his time to talk and find out her likes and once in a while make her happy by it. Help her with what you think you can do best at not help her by doing a horrible job. Make her feel you are important not just a toy. If that does not work then chill man, at least you tried your best and go find something else to do.

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Maybe it's too fast for her that he propose to her!!!, I think that he should wait, get to know her more, and let her know him more. Find her 5 love languages, and try to make her happy. Just stay by her side, and help her for what she ask. Also don't rush, and i think that the possibility will be more that she will come and love you, but it will take more time, cause she already hate you and rejected you. It's hard to change people's feeling, but it is possible!!! ^^ so fighting !!! you can do it ^^

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i think you should calm down and be cool about it. if she does not like you now does not mean she will forever hate you. It just sometimes you are not the right guy for her. i think you should find out what she likes and try to express to her. Also, if it did not work out you can just be her really good friend

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Well, sometimes love doesn't come in pair. Maybe you could continue your effort on making her love you. Be honest with her and try to understand her. Don't only look from your point of view but walk a mile in her shoe. People usually feel good when someone is able to really understand their feelings and their thoughts. You should also observe yourself whether you really love her or not because if you do, you would be fine living without her only to make her happy on her own way.

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I think you should not give up because she rejected you once and if you keep continuing your effort in trying to make her happy and try your best to make her fall in love with you, she will view you as a very man with willingness and faithfulness. But the most important thing is that you should be yourself even though you are trying to impress her you should never change your self. Impress her just the way you are.

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If you really love her, don't give up on getting her heart beacause you might have the chance to win it. However, if the girl founds it annoying, then you should step back because she will hate you for what your doing or wanted to stay friends. Do not force her to love you, she have the right to reject you or accept you. If she is forced to love you, then the relationship won't go on well. Try to find something that really impress her so she will be happy on what you do to her and you might have the chance to success on proposing her.



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He should know more about the girl first. Her likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. When there is a similar interest, he should talk or do the thing they both like. Building rapport is important because it can build trust. Then I think gradually the girl might have more interest in the guy which can later develop into a relationship.

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I think the guys should calm down and assess. He is too fast at confessing his love to this girl, and I bet the girl was like, "woah, who the hell are you, I don't even know you and you are proposing to me just like that??" or something in this matter. The guy shouldn't give up though, because she doesn't know him yet. Better start out as friends first or get acquainted with one another to the point where both sides are ready to get into a serious relationship. The guy still has a chance though, but it is gonna be harder since he might have freaked the girl out or made himself look like a black sheep in her eyes.

and here is some motivation when you feel like giving up:


-- Edited by James on Monday 10th of September 2012 05:32:08 PM


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No one will love you if you don't love yourself. Don't be depressed. Think this way: There are more women than men in this world. So there is a lot of chance that you can find someone better. But if you really love her try to prove yourself.

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You cannot force anyone to love you or not. It all depends on that person's feeling. But if you really love her give her some time to think about it. Don't rush or force her about how you feel.

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you cant force someone to be in love with you. maybe you should give her more time since she may not ready for that kind of relationship. marriage is complicated and take time to decide. you should have in mind that she maybe not the one for you or she may not have feeling for you. love is not the feeling of only one person.

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I think you still have a chance to win her heart. Everything takes time especially love. You can't expect her to love you back right away. Marriage is a big thing for a woman. Maybe she might has enough confident in you. Maybe for her it was not a right time. She might has so many other things in her head that she still cannot sort things out. You should give her some time. Moreover, I think you should try to think of reasons why she rejected you or ask her directly. She might has a good reason why she rejected you at the first place. I suggest you to keep on trying.

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calm down and try not to be so obsessed. Take time to talk to her and get to know what she likes and you should also give her some time to know you better.

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i think that she rejected him because of his craziness. He should calm down and give her time to think about it. He should care more her feelings, not just tell her that he loves her. However, it's not easy to make her love him since she hates him already.

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I think the man should calm down. The woman might not be her true love, he should spend more time to get to know her more before asking for a proposal. Love takes time...

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I think the guy should calm down first and tries to understand that this might not be his true love. Her love is just different to his; the way she loves him might be just a friendship. So if his love doesn't work that way, he might want to try to be her friend instead. I am sure that he will find a new girl who is fit him perfectly, but it might take a little bit of time.

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The man should spend more time getting to know the woman before actually committing. If there is a change of mind, there will certainly be havoc.

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I believe that this relationship would not work. As the direct rejection signifies that she wants a relationship simply not more than being friends. She values their relationship therefore she directly rejected him. There are billions of other girls that are much better than she is. Why lose the whole forest for a single tree. There are billions of other girls out there in the world that wouldn't reject the man. In love there is no forcing someone to love another person. Love isn't forced.


"Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections" : )

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You should really slow down and just find out this girl's interests. I mean you should already know before even falling in love the girl correct? Just take some time to find out more about this girl, talk to some friends about what you should do, and even ask this girl why she rejected you in the first place. After that, chances of you being able to woo this girl will increase immensely.


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I don't know if this relationship will work, she outright rejected you. I don't really know if the girl really love you and just rejected you to get you to change something about yourself or not. But the way that you should approach her is by act of kindness. Or the other possibility is that the girl doesn't really know you that well for marriage and you might have freaked her out by proposing to her out of the blue.

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First of all, you need to calm yourself down. Take a step back and think where have you gone wrong. There are many possible reasons for the girl to reject you and if you want the girl back then if is your duty to find out how to win her back. If you know that she is the one, then maybe you need to start to change your self in order to be more compatible to her. Maybe try finding out what her love language is. When you know, you will be able to treat her according to her love language and if you luck turns out to be on your side then she might come back to you. If you have tried everything and she still doesn't change her mind then take it easy and move on.

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I don't know how this will turn out but in my opinion I will express my feeling to her directly whether she rejected it or not is not a problem. When you really love someone you will be happy when that person is enjoying their time in this temporary world. So I suggest the guy to think about is his feeling really love or just desire. If it is really love then tell her that you will be there for her when she is down and you will be happy if she is happy.

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Do not only use your words to express your feelings toward her. Do not only propose to her that you like her, but show her that you really feel that way. Put your feelings into actions and show that you're dependable. Someday that woman might notice your feelings toward her and change her perspective about you.

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Being rejected doesn't mean your chance is gone. You must prove to her that you really love her and care for her. Just keep on talking to her, showing that you really want to take care of her. Words are just words, use actions to tell her that you love her. Nothing is impossible. If you want someone to love you, earn it.

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I think maybe the guy started too fast. They might just know each other, and the reason that the girl rejected him is because she is not sure of him. I think what the guy should do is go slowly. Starting with friends. Then prove to her that he can be that person. That he is the right guy, show to her that you are serious with her. Take care of her, make she feel safe. And give her some space so she won't feel uncomfortable and misses him sometimes when he is gone. Know what she likes, and try to give them to her. Know her love language, because that's the advantage you could get to be closer to her.

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Why not try and ask the girl's friends about her likes and feeling towards him? He should not just walk up to her again, but slowly gain her trust so that the girl will feel that he really is noticing the small details about her. Small details often are more important because it shows that you are aware of changes and notice her needs. But do not come on so strong that she freaks out. And if it does not work, think about your decision to go after the girl. Is she really the right one for you and do you really feel really strong emotions? There is nothing wrong if you change your choice after she rejects you.


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Just give her sometime to think about it by not bothering her. Give her time to decide what she thinks about him. If she really wants to reject him just let it happen. They will not truly love each other if one forces another. Truly, we cannot force each other to love if they did not really love. Anyway, if she rejects, then it is her decision to decide what she likes to.

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I think may be the girl isn't ready yet. He shouldn't be crazy of thinking of her all time. What he should do is to be himself. I think he shouldn't try to impress the girl if what he's trying is not actually himself. He should be relax and gives her some times to think of the relationship. Marriage is very important and he better gives her chances to think of it.

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I think you still have a chance to win her heart. You need to take time because a person can't love you right away. Show her how much you love her so that she'll know that you're sincere to her. If she still reject you, ask her why so that you could figure things out. I suggest you to keep on trying. Your relationship may develop in the future.

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Well, first I think he should calm down and get himself together. I'm sure the rejection shattered his world, but is it worth dying for? Love can enable you to do many things, but it should enable you to think also. I think he should think over the situation and at least try to find a way out that doesn't hurt anyone. My advice to him now is to think whether or not he really loves her and it's not just a feeling. Then, he should think about why did the girl rejects him. If the problem is him, he should think about a way to fix it, but if it's not fixable, then he should just move on.

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Rejected? Oh c'mon try again, don't just give up that easily. Have you found out the reason why she rejected you? If so then try to improve yourself for her(only if you really loves her) or find a way to prove your love to her. She probably think you proposed to her on a whim, so why not show her some real love languages?


"No one is born a genius. Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent"-Ohno Satoshi

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Don't be depressed. It is just one of events you experience during your life time. If you really love her, try some more times. But you sould make her feeling comfortable and respect her.

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It's just one rejection. If he really loves her, he should try to win her heart. After all, it really isn't that hard to make a girl fall for you. He just needs to stop rushing into the relationship and allow her some time to get to know him more. They should develop a friendship and see if they're compatible. Maybe the guy will even find out that he doesn't really like her and he's just after her because she's hard-to-get and he sees it as a challenge. Basically, I think he should take it slow, get to know each other well, treat the girl special and maybe she'll fall for him.

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Calm down and consult your mom or dad, they got experiences!

-- Edited by iju on Thursday 27th of September 2012 08:33:48 PM

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I don't think there is no way you can make someone fall in love with you, I think more time is needed for things to get better. wait for her to be able to realize something. You can continue to do little things for her to show her that you love her, but if she doesn't like it you should stop. Don't be extreme, don't love someone tooo much and don't go crazy because of one person, don't hate anyone to much.

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keep flirting on her, soon she will accept :D

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He should be grateful that the girl rejected him directly, so that he wouldn't have to waste his time after her anymore. She doesn't like him period. Sometimes if you keep persisting that person might try to avoid you or even hate you, so the best solution is deal with it and find someone else.

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Love is not something that you can force on someone so the guy should get a move on and find someone new!

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manitp wrote:

I don't know how this will turn out but in my opinion I will express my feeling to her directly whether she rejected it or not is not a problem. When you really love someone you will be happy when that person is enjoying their time in this temporary world. So I suggest the guy to think about is his feeling really love or just desire. If it is really love then tell her that you will be there for her when she is down and you will be happy if she is happy.

Wow Manit, your comment is really deep! It's something that other people did not or would not have thought about, including me. I like the way how your view of love is so committed and lasting, even if it is a one-sided love. But what you said is true, if you really do love her, then you would be happy if she is happy.

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Hey dude, I will help you if you tell me who you are, hahaha. I think you should just be best to her and wait...

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SherwinNg wrote:
manitp wrote:

I don't know how this will turn out but in my opinion I will express my feeling to her directly whether she rejected it or not is not a problem. When you really love someone you will be happy when that person is enjoying their time in this temporary world. So I suggest the guy to think about is his feeling really love or just desire. If it is really love then tell her that you will be there for her when she is down and you will be happy if she is happy.

Wow Manit, your comment is really deep! It's something that other people did not or would not have thought about, including me. I like the way how your view of love is so committed and lasting, even if it is a one-sided love. But what you said is true, if you really do love her, then you would be happy if she is happy.

 Yes I really agree with manit, if I was him. I will express her about my feeling, tell her everything, tell directly to her.

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