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Topic: The Two Stages of Love

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The Two Stages of Love
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The first stage of love is the obsessive stage of love. In this stage, the couple are infatuated with one another and cannot seem to get enough of each other, or so it seems. People  in this stage of love do not really seem very serious to me. They look at their sweetheart as if they were perfect, and if there are any faults, they do not seem to notice it. I see lots of teenagers and people in their twenties going through this kind of love.

The second stage of love is what I would call true love. This is the covenant stage of love, where the couple is committed to stay with each other and care for each other. Grown-ups are the ones who, in my opinion, are in this stage of love. They do not always go around holding hands and looking at each other all the time, but if something wrong happens, they will be there for the couple. I know most grown-ups know their spouse’s faults, for most of them mention them. But they still love them.  And that is how you should love someone.

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Thank you Arya !!! ^^ Now i understand more about the 2 stages of love !!! at first i mixed them up ^^

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True that these two steps are the real steps of love, but can there be any other steps of love happening to some lovers rather than these two? I think of this just only by possibilities. Also can it be that the lovers just go straight to the 2nd stage of loves rather than going through the first one first? Btw, thanks for the post about the two stages of love though :)

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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I've never been in the first stage... Maybe i'm just weird that i usually just jumped to the second stage? No, I've never had a bf before. But seriously, I don't think I was or ever will be in the first stage of love. I think the first stage is like looking at someone the way you want to see them, not who they really are. It is like building castle in the cloud, which will collapse one day. Totally a wrong way to build relationship = =


'Aim for the moon, cuz if you miss.. you'll still land among the stars.' 

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Thank you Arya for such a informative post. =D

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thanks for sharing:D!

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Thank you Arya !

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thanks for sharing ;)

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thank you for sharing:)

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thank you for the post


Tap before it Snaps

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thanks for the share... will come in handy before the test! :)

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I think this is a really good review for our up coming quiz on Thursday and we should take note of the definition of the two stage of love plus the story Mr. Jade let us read and Mr. Jade's story. By the way, thank you very much Arya. I really appreciate you going out of your way and doing this extra review for us.

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The two steps of love, step one is love that is so pure and perfect because you can't realize what is happening. I hope those lovers out there realize that it is just a beginning and there is the next step that might not be as perfect as they plan it to be. Be cautious and careful for every step you take in your love life, think about how your partner would feel and do your best to prolong the true love.

"I do say things that I think will shock people. But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it." - Eminem
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Love the quote in the picture: love doesn't need to be perfect, it just have to be true!! I like this statement because what I believe is that there is nothing perfect in the world and this statement fits into what I think the world is like. Trust and loyalty is important because if you love someone, but you can't trust them and keep on worrying and being anxious, then that love is not the love you need in your life.


***Life is good, so take it EASY!!!***

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This would be kinda helpful before the test. Thankyou very very much Arya..

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Thanks for the share Arya, it can be useful for the test some day.

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I love your quote !!! :D it's so true. Thank you very much for sharing this to us. It's a really good review for us. Once a person fall into the 1st stage, it's really difficult to pull them out. I believe anyone has passed with the 2nd stage won't be effected by anything even time. Their bond or love is so strong and it holds them together!

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thank you for sharing Arya. This is a good review for this coming thursday test. I know that most people ever pass this first stage of love, even me! I really want to experience the second stage of love but it is difficult to find this kind of love during my age. I want to have someone who will be there for me just like the second stage of love.

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for me personally, i hate the first stage because i just do not think that there is anything solid and promising on that. i really respect and look up to the couple that can manage themselves to be in the second stage. The second stage of love is what I would call true love. This is the covenant stage of love, where the couple is committed to stay with each other and care for each other. i think that is the most respectful thing any couple can do

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AkankshaS wrote:

Love the quote in the picture: love doesn't need to be perfect, it just have to be true!! I like this statement because what I believe is that there is nothing perfect in the world and this statement fits into what I think the world is like. Trust and loyalty is important because if you love someone, but you can't trust them and keep on worrying and being anxious, then that love is not the love you need in your life.

 i love your thought!! maybe i can apply that into my life :) thank youtoo 

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Thank you for the post Arya! I believe that true love require effort. It's easy to love many people but the persistence to love only one person 'forever' requires effort.


"Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections" : )

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nice post! I like the quote in the picture that you attached.

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panchanoky wrote:

nice post! I like the quote in the picture that you attached.

 i agree !

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I wonder how many people can get into second stage of love and still stay in love with each other. Most people fight and break up :/

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Thanks Arya for the information, and I like your pictures in the posts.

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In order to get to the second stage or the stage of true love, we all need to pass the first stage.... and it is not easy to get through the first stage. Many couples break up in the obsessive stage. But it is not that impossible to get through it. The couple will need to takes time to learn about each person's positive and negative side. It is hard to go to the Second stage of love or to find true love, but time will tell. Do not rush into love. 'if we are meant to be together, love will lead us to be together.'

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Well i think its not impossible but if both of them want to cooperate and make the relationship work they can do it

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Yeah thanks for telling me this, these are the 2 beginning step to start with love

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I think that is how love should be. Nobody is perfect. If a person can't accept faults in their spouse then they should not be together. In my opinion, i think the first stage of love can be passed if both are committed to it and are willing to. I think most teenagers go through that kind of love because they are not yet mature and do not want to be committed because there is still so much in life to do and so many people to meet. Thank you for sharing this Arya! :D

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