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Topic: Senior Excursion

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RE: Senior Excursion
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Btw The word Maldian sounds so funny to me^^ hahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

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Anywhere would be fine. I want a trip that we can spend times and have fun together.

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SherwinNg wrote:
piradeet wrote:

Anyways, did the sr13 officers came up with a conclusion of where we're gonna go for our excursion yet? 'cause I heard that it takes time to book the whole airplane right? 'cause sr13 is like 100+ people and I guess it's the whole plane hahahaha.

whoaaaa, a whole plane to ourselves? this sounds great! let's get them to have a huge SENIOR13 sticker on the side of the plane too, that would just be bosssssssss
but wait a minute, aren't plane capacities like 300 people or something? then we would be occupying half of the plane. the other passengers are gonna be unhappyy hahaha

 hahaha, whole plane to ourselves sounds really cool especially if there's a sticker on the side of the plane labeled "SENIOR13" like you said. I'm not sure about the plane capacities but I guess if we occupy half of the plane, we'll surely gonna turn wild and confused the rest of the passengers in the plane, hahahahaha.

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Weerich wrote:

Btw The word Maldian sounds so funny to me^^ hahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

 but going to maldive sounds good to me ! haha

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Wow then let's go to Maldives to meet the Maldian ^^

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Bali / Phuket!

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panchanoky wrote:

i want to have a campfireeee haha

 I want campfire too!!! I want to go for a camping type of excursion, but I guess not many would like that. I think it's kindda good though, 'cause when we camp, our tents are just in one area and by the time we stick our head out of our own tent we already see the other seniors around us.

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Yeahhh! I want to go Maldive too!!

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samratl wrote:

Bali / Phuket! 

 I think all of us should go Bali cuz I never been there.

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napata wrote:

Anywhere would be fine. I want a trip that we can spend times and have fun together.

 I agree with you hahahaha!!!

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We should go anywhere in this world except in school!

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piradeet wrote:
panchanoky wrote:

i want to have a campfireeee haha

 I want campfire too!!! I want to go for a camping type of excursion, but I guess not many would like that. I think it's kindda good though, 'cause when we camp, our tents are just in one area and by the time we stick our head out of our own tent we already see the other seniors around us.

whoaaa, yeahh! lets's have a campfire!

this reminds me of pathfinder camps! so many years have past since then! ahh good memories. i agree with having a campfire! maybe not every night, but just one or two nights would do.

About the SENIOR13 plane, I think we might get kicked off the plane :O hahahaha

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I think anywhere is good as long as we got all our friends!

I hope the price won't be very expensive :)

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piradeet wrote:
panchanoky wrote:

i want to have a campfireeee haha

 I want campfire too!!! I want to go for a camping type of excursion, but I guess not many would like that. I think it's kindda good though, 'cause when we camp, our tents are just in one area and by the time we stick our head out of our own tent we already see the other seniors around us.

 hahaha yeah! I also want marshmallows :D :D :D

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Now I think the destination does not matter, as long as we go together ! Thailand has many beautiful places to go but I want to go abroad too XD I just can not wait until the time comes, when we are all done with the University's stuffs and Relax !

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samratl wrote:

Bali / Phuket!


These two are quite interesting too! the cost is much cheaper than maldives or korea

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ThanyalakL wrote:

Now I think the destination does not matter, as long as we go together ! Thailand has many beautiful places to go but I want to go abroad too XD I just can not wait until the time comes, when we are all done with the University's stuffs and Relax !


That's true! Anywhere works if our friends are together. And when we are done with getting in universities, we will have our time enjoy our last moments as a senior!

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panchanoky wrote:
piradeet wrote:
panchanoky wrote:

i want to have a campfireeee haha

 I want campfire too!!! I want to go for a camping type of excursion, but I guess not many would like that. I think it's kindda good though, 'cause when we camp, our tents are just in one area and by the time we stick our head out of our own tent we already see the other seniors around us.

 hahaha yeah! I also want marshmallows :D :D :D

 I thought eating too much of those would make you get cancer. hahahaha, anyways, little bit of those would be fine. I want them too!!!

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ThanyalakL wrote:

Now I think the destination does not matter, as long as we go together ! Thailand has many beautiful places to go but I want to go abroad too XD I just can not wait until the time comes, when we are all done with the University's stuffs and Relax !

 I can't wait until we're done with University's stuffs and relax too!!! I really want the time before that time comes to pass by without any obstacles. I wish everyone do well in all their university required tests and I also wish no one get sick.

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HAHAHA this topic again !! By the way, Korea and Phuket sound great !! Can't choose T_T

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sasawatc wrote:

Anywhere, that is not Ekamai International School! But wanna go to Silicon Valley (seems impossible). I think we should go to Maldives before it sinks! However, I think that is boring for the girls because it wouldn't have shopping mall (just a joke not being sexist). LOL
I don't know what to type anymore to make it meet the 50 words per post limit. I am lazy to count, hope this reach 50 words!

 I agree with you in 2points.....  

first, "anywhere that is not EIS" hahahahaha..... and second, 'I don't know what to type anymore to make it meet the 50 words per post limit. I am lazy to count, hope this reach 50 words!'   This is so true :P

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In my opinion I think this senior excursion is the best time for travel outside from school together. I think is will be fun, and it will be the best memory for me. I want to go Maldive. It is the best place to go. I think Maldive is more beautiful than Phuket cuz my dad has been there for along time. He said Maldive is more beautiful than Phuket. So that's why i want to go Maldive.

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Thananyas wrote:

HAHAHA this topic again !! By the way, Korea and Phuket sound great !! Can't choose T_T

 I think it is beautiful but Maldive is the best :)

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sahawat wrote:
samratl wrote:

Bali / Phuket!


These two are quite interesting too! the cost is much cheaper than maldives or korea

 Yeah I knew that but Maldive is the best place to go. It is very beuatiful. It will be the best memory ever.

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napata wrote:

Anywhere would be fine. I want a trip that we can spend times and have fun together.

 I agree with you!!! I really like this quote hahahaha :)

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I am fine with anywhere that has great views, great weather, and great awesome food! A place with lots of activities to do and can enjoy ourselves all day long. Also, where there is a sea and the sea will be clear with fishes and corals to go snorkeling in. Anywhere that everyone will be able to go and anywhere is fine if were with our friends.

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Maldian are very cool and civilize !!! Their food is also very yummy!!

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I want to go somewhere that we can chill and all relax together :D

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Weerich wrote:

Btw The word Maldian sounds so funny to me^^ hahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

 You're the one who start calling Maldian haha

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SherwinNg wrote:

I think anywhere is fine now. As long as we got all our friends, we will have fun!

But of course, price and location is still an issue. If the price is too high, or the location causes inconveniences for some of us, we would not be able to enjoy ourselves.

For me, Phuket and Bali sounds great right now. =P

 i agree with you, Sherwin. Anywhere is fine for me as long as my friends are going with me.

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Ayaka wrote:

At least it's not too expensive, anywhere is fine for me. but I prefer Bali and Phuket. I've never been to Bali. I think i will have a good time there. Trip to Korea is expensive for me and the condition of weather is cold when we have an excursion. Oh.. and Maldives also sounds nice.

 Trip to Korea is not that expensive, Ayaka. I think the weather is okay for us and most of us will like it. Maldives sounds nice but it's the most expensive place of all the places we listed.

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Zhanping wrote:
OnumaC wrote:

I want to go to all of them. If we can hahaha. I think it's nice if we can go to other country together, it would be really good memory. I don't want to go to Phuket because I'm scare of the Szunami TOT really. Anyway, like what Yi-ting said, any where is fine as long as there's SR13

 LOL!! Tsunami? I don't think there will be one this year, though :D Anywhere we go, SR13 will make a blast LOL 

I would go for Bali and Korea though, it's nice to have ALL SR13 abroad. I heard from Orm that Bali has a low living cost, so the expense could be quite cheap. And of course I think it's going to be all beach and photo taking stuffs. I don't really know what's to play over there :S On the other hand, Korea, it basically can satisfy everyone(despite the fact that many people had already went there before). There's amusement park, shopping mall, tourist sites, oh yeah and food, and many many other stuffs too! :D and we all have our PRIVATE KOREAN GUIDES C;

 I don't think there wil be one this year too hahaha Bali is quite interesting! I really want to go to Bali :( i would love going to Korea because we're having our "private Korean guides" hahaha

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I suggest Phuket, because I just want to go to the beach. :) And it's in Thailand, so I think most of us can go.

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SherwinNg wrote:
piradeet wrote:

Anyways, did the sr13 officers came up with a conclusion of where we're gonna go for our excursion yet? 'cause I heard that it takes time to book the whole airplane right? 'cause sr13 is like 100+ people and I guess it's the whole plane hahahaha.

whoaaaa, a whole plane to ourselves? this sounds great! let's get them to have a huge SENIOR13 sticker on the side of the plane too, that would just be bosssssssss
but wait a minute, aren't plane capacities like 300 people or something? then we would be occupying half of the plane. the other passengers are gonna be unhappyy hahaha

 ohhh i think we're not occupying the whole plane. the most is like we're occupying two third of the plane only if we're going for the cheap airline.

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kyeongyeonk wrote:

I think anywhere is good as long as we got all our friends!

I hope the price won't be very expensive :)

 we are trying our best to minimize the cost for you guys

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i think anywhere else but here would be best

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yiting wrote:

anywhere it is fine as long sr13 are all together :)

This is the best comment! Hahahaha I agree.. as long as we unite as seniors13 I'm okay with anywhere we're going If we all get to vote, I'll still vote for phuket though! I've never been there before and I heard it's a really nice place!

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Nhop-anon wrote:
sujung wrote:

I don't want to go Korea :( It is going to be very cold in Jan!!

Cold places is good for mee!! But i think we will all end up in Phuket

 I agree with you Nhop-anon! But, at least the beach in Phuket is really nice. We can go snorkeling and the weather during the excursion is really nice at the beach. The sea will be very clear.

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I can go anywhere as long as it's chill and relaxing - that's all that matters!

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I'm thinking of somewhere in the south of Thailand or in Bali

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