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Topic: Info: Ranking System

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RE: Info: Ranking System
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sasawatc wrote:
AkankshaS wrote:
wanting wrote:

it's impossible to reach the Guru :(

Registered Member - 50 posts
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Especially the Guro thing..........maybe it's a Filipino teacher. You never know!!

But I think it's almost impossible to reach 1000+ in 1 half quarter! Is there a requirement to the amount of words in each post or can we just write as much as we want??

 LOL Impossible is nothing!

 i kind of agree on this even though we have to do 1000 posts but it will surely be the last 1000 posts we get to go together as senior! :D let just have fun with it and dont take it too seriously

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The numbers 1000 seem alien to me :/ Well, everyone just aim for what you can achieve first! I'll just take it step by step and I gotta remember NO SPAMMING (so hard for me to not to spam xD) And like what many people is saying, I also do not want this website to crash :( Right now I am allergic to 'register an account'.


"No one is born a genius. Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent"-Ohno Satoshi

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wiphavit wrote:

Being a registered member is hard enough for me. Don't even talk about the guru. haha

 true.. 1000 post is going to be impossible

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ThanyalakT wrote:
Pichawee wrote:

So each post that will be consider as a "post" must have at least 50 words. Do I undertand it correctly? Because I'm very confused with the grading system. And if it really count this way, then that means most of you didn't meet the requirement right? Please answer me asap because I'm not done with the first quarter requirement yet. (I'm very desperate for points right now!) Thank you!

 Yeah, that is right. According to sir, this is a way to prevent what we called 'spamming'. I mean... i think as long as the post is not too short and shows enough that you are putting your will into it, then it should b fine. I mean... It's not like we are going to count every single time we are writing a reply, right? I am not even counting right now. So, yeah, basically, as long as it is a long post and it is not 'spamming' then you should be fine :)

 oh, thank you for telling

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sasawatc wrote:

In this SynergyBoard 3.0, you are graded by a ranking system. Actually I copy the infomation from Mr. Jade's post. But some of you might have not notice it.

To be able to past the requirement of each quarter, you need to reach the following posts or rank

  • Newbie - 0 post
  • Registered Member - 50 posts
  • Active member - 150 posts (Quarter 2 Requirement)
  • Junior Member - 250 posts (Quarter 3 Requirement)
  • Senior Member - 350 posts  (Quarter 4 Requirement)
  • Post Master - 450 posts
  • Guro  - 1000+ posts /* Guro = teacher in Filipino, not sure if it's a typo for the word "Guru" */

Note: For those who did not complete the 50 points requirement for Quarter 1 in SYNERGYBOARD.COM, you still have the chance to fulfill the requirement by upgrading your membership ranking to "REGISTERED MEMBER".

Let's all aim to be the Guro/Guru by Quarter 2!

-- Edited by sasawatc on Sunday 9th of September 2012 11:22:33 AM

 So to past the first quarter we have to get 50 post?? I will become the guru in the second quarter WHahahaha :P

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Oh yeah and also, thank you for the information, i really have no idea on what is going on because i am having difficulties with arranging my time, i really have lots of work and the SAT are coming, also the exam week, so i really appreciate the information.

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thank you for the information! it is really helpful

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Nhop-anon wrote:

Oh yeah and also, thank you for the information, i really have no idea on what is going on because i am having difficulties with arranging my time, i really have lots of work and the SAT are coming, also the exam week, so i really appreciate the information.

 that is true, this weekend is gonna be a tough week

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let's hope that this quarter everyone will reach the limitation :)

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thanks for the information that's really helpful :) btw Guro in Japanese means term derived from the English word "grotesque". It is of gore, mutilation, disfigurement, and extreme violence lol

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So did anybody get any news from sir about the 50 words post? If yes, please post what sir said in here so that everyone would stop being worried about it.

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By the way, I have another question. So, in conclusion, we only have to make a 50 posts or a 100 posts. I'm a little confused about sir's announcement. Maybe, I should go ask sir on Monday. Or if anyone knows the answer please post it here, so I would not have to wait 'till Monday.

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manitp wrote:

Thanks for the post , I think all of you should aim to be a senior member because deep down in your heart you are , right guys?( girls too) Those of you who do your job and submit the score on the old website, I just want to say Great job guys keep up the good work. And for those who did not complete your requirement you still have time to do it so let us work diligently and earn those points that are rightfully ours !

hahahaha Manit, yes, deep in our hears we all are Seniors! And I agree with you that those who submitted their score on the old website did a great job.

By the way, that's an interesting signature you got! I think I should start putting a signature too, but i just can't find the right quote. let's see if I can find one!

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Nhop-anon wrote:

Oh yeah and also, thank you for the information, i really have no idea on what is going on because i am having difficulties with arranging my time, i really have lots of work and the SAT are coming, also the exam week, so i really appreciate the information.

 same here, too much works!

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wanting wrote:
ThanyalakT wrote:
Pichawee wrote:

So each post that will be consider as a "post" must have at least 50 words. Do I undertand it correctly? Because I'm very confused with the grading system. And if it really count this way, then that means most of you didn't meet the requirement right? Please answer me asap because I'm not done with the first quarter requirement yet. (I'm very desperate for points right now!) Thank you!

 Yeah, that is right. According to sir, this is a way to prevent what we called 'spamming'. I mean... i think as long as the post is not too short and shows enough that you are putting your will into it, then it should b fine. I mean... It's not like we are going to count every single time we are writing a reply, right? I am not even counting right now. So, yeah, basically, as long as it is a long post and it is not 'spamming' then you should be fine :)

 oh, thank you for telling

 okay, now that makes me feel alot better. I was kindda worried about it 'cause I don't count words in my posts and I don't try to spam even though sometimes I put short comments.

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manitp wrote:

Thanks for the post , I think all of you should aim to be a senior member because deep down in your heart you are , right guys?( girls too) Those of you who do your job and submit the score on the old website, I just want to say Great job guys keep up the good work. And for those who did not complete your requirement you still have time to do it so let us work diligently and earn those points that are rightfully ours !

 I'm trying to earn those points that are rightfully mine, but what can I do T^T. Once the site keeps crashing and people keep switching from one site to the another, I get confused. So I stopped and waited for people to setting down. Then, now it's kindda too late for me to do this. 

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A hundred posts is a tough task! :(

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You know I used to post in manga/anime forum but never had I post till 100+ post . _ . don't you feel like a geek sitting in front of computer all day, trying to make more post for a rank lol I think we should do something more active.

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Yeah, I feel like the 100 post requirement is too much. Some people like to just browse through forums for useful information, but do not have much to say. Even if they did have something to say, it would just be like an 'i agree...' or something along the same lines.
Good thing we got the other websites!

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So it's not 100 posts for me to level up?

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'Guro - 1000+ posts' hahaha I never want to be this kind of GURU. How can I do? It's a lot !!! Ehhh D:

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Narisa wrote:
sasawatc wrote:


In this SynergyBoard 3.0, you are graded by a ranking system. Actually I copy the infomation from Mr. Jade's post. But some of you might have not notice it.

To be able to past the requirement of each quarter, you need to reach the following posts or rank

  • Newbie - 0 post
  • Registered Member - 50 posts
  • Active member - 150 posts (Quarter 2 Requiremnt)
  • Junior Member - 250 posts (Quarter 3 Requirement)
  • Senior Member - 350 posts  (Quarter 4 Requirement)
  • Post Master - 450 posts
  • Guro  - 1000+ posts /* Guro = teacher in Filipino, not sure if it's a typo for the word "G

Note: For those who did not complete the 50 points requirement for Quarter 1 in SYNERGYBOARD.COM, you still have the chance to fulfill the requirement by upgrading your membership ranking to "REGISTERED MEMBER".

Let's all aim to be the Guro/Guru by Quarter 2!


. Sure!! Will definitely aim for that! :):):):)

 Yeah I think so, I aim that requirement also :)

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I will do that for sure because it is very safe for me and next quarter I will not spend my time to do this again hahahaha :)

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hundred post is not tough if you intend to do it :) ha ha ha ha

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I think everyone can do it more than hundred post. I can do it also hahahaha.

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Sasawat is a god of post !!!

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that is going to take a very long time

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