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Topic: good quote for seniors by Confucius

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good quote for seniors by Confucius
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Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 
 Confucuis :D 


This quote is for any seniors who can't decide what to study in university,

choose what your heart tells you to do

don't listen to anyone if they say you can't do it believe in yourself

I hope it's help you out a little bit :) 

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this is a great quote. I have heard of this somewhere before, maybe in Mr. James's calculus class?
My dad always told me to choose a career in something that you like to do. If you do not, you would hate your work and drag to get to work every morning. But if you like what you do, you will be motivated to do you job, as well as have fun doing it!

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It's a really nice quote, and I would do what the quote says. Hope everyone does.

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That's really nice ! We sometimes forget to ask ourself, what do we want in our life.... It is really important to choose the career of what you want to be... Another quote I like that is similar to this is 'Be what you want to be not what others want to see'

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It is really true, but at the same time difficult. It is very hard to find something that we really like and never get bored of doing it. People tend to get bored easily and so seeking new things all the time. But still there should be something out there that we really love to do and is not bored of doing it.

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SherwinNg wrote:

this is a great quote. I have heard of this somewhere before, maybe in Mr. James's calculus class?
My dad always told me to choose a career in something that you like to do. If you do not, you would hate your work and drag to get to work every morning. But if you like what you do, you will be motivated to do you job, as well as have fun doing it!

 I think it is not in Mr. James's class. I read it once in It is a comic strip.

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Nhop-anon wrote:
SherwinNg wrote:

this is a great quote. I have heard of this somewhere before, maybe in Mr. James's calculus class?
My dad always told me to choose a career in something that you like to do. If you do not, you would hate your work and drag to get to work every morning. But if you like what you do, you will be motivated to do you job, as well as have fun doing it!

 I think it is not in Mr. James's class. I read it once in It is a comic strip.

 I've seen it once in Mr. Merle class, in his presentation. Maybe you saw it from there too.

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i love this quote :D it is a great reminder for us all.

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Nhop-anon wrote:

It is really true, but at the same time difficult. It is very hard to find something that we really like and never get bored of doing it. People tend to get bored easily and so seeking new things all the time. But still there should be something out there that we really love to do and is not bored of doing it.

 I know right! sometime it is hard to find but I am sure there is something you will never get bored of doing. Something you can do everyday and still be happy, something good and helpful. Did you find that something yet jump?

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Natrada wrote:

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 
 Confucuis :D 


This quote is for any seniors who can't decide what to study in university,

choose what your heart tells you to do

don't listen to anyone if they say you can't do it believe in yourself

I hope it's help you out a little bit :) 

I would do that Annie. And yeah, I've felt the same with this quote that I've heard it from somewhere and I guess that it's from Mr. James WOW!!

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I reread the quote again and I think I would have to share this quote to sister who is working real hard in the job she doesn't even like. Maybe this will make her a lot better and would probably also make her come up with a solution with her job. This quote is really good and I wish I would get a job that I like so that I would not have to work a day in my life. :D

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piradeet wrote:

I reread the quote again and I think I would have to share this quote to sister who is working real hard in the job she doesn't even like. Maybe this will make her a lot better and would probably also make her come up with a solution with her job. This quote is really good and I wish I would get a job that I like so that I would not have to work a day in my life. :D

 Wow, I'm really glad that your sister will get to see this

I hope she decide to do what she love

and for you pear I'm sure you'll find a job you will love sooo much that you won't feel like working

just keep on looking and you will find yourself 

look at your likes and dislike and maybe that'll lead you somewhere awesome

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panchanoky wrote:

i love this quote :D it is a great reminder for us all.

 Agree! It will help us get through all these hard times

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Reminds me of Sir James Yoong class lol I also like this quotation so much, that's why even if someone told me the career I like is not very stable, I choose to go for it anyway because that's what I like and I can spend all my life working on it.

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It was a great quote for us, Annie !! :D I have one too from the bible ! "Stand at the crossroad and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Ask yourselves what you want to do before you decide to do something that you don't really want to do : ) yay!!

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It is very true. If you do a work that you do not enjoy then you will not be happy. You will probably always be in a bad mood and feel unhappy about what you are doing. You will not feel motivated to go to work everyday. Doing what you love will keep you motivated and happy. It will also keep you occupied and that makes your life great. You don't have to regret spending your precious time somewhere you won't be happy and working on something you don't enjoy doing.

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Yeah this is quote is definitely true. If you hate your job then what would motivate you to get up and go to work? A job that you do not enjoy is a job that you should not even be doing. Getting a job doing something that you love is the best thing to do if you want to live happily as an adult I think. And if you love your job, it does not become work anymore because you probably would not even feel like you are working, you would probably just feel like you are spending time doing your favorite hobby and getting paid to do it.


"When they're not looking, punch them in the neck."

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That's a really great quote to have because it will provide us with the inspiration to wake up everyday and go to work knowing that it is something that we love doing, and are passionate about. Thanks for sharing :)

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Great !!!!!!! I will choose the job I love !!

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thank you for reminding me to really let me choose into what i want for my future
it meant a lot ..
thank you again

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Choose a job you love that pays well, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

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Yeah, true that. If you love your job and enjoy working, that consider not working. Its kind like thing you enjoy and happy with while you working. The happines and enjoyful will automatically delete the stressful of work

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Thank you for sharing the quote. It helps me, and I really like it because I'm still deciding what to study in the university. :)

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I really like the quote, it was very nice. I will surely choose the job that I like!

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ravinm wrote:

thank you for reminding me to really let me choose into what i want for my future
it meant a lot ..
thank you again

 you are welcome ravin, choose what your heart tells you to do not your brain

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Supawan wrote:

Thank you for sharing the quote. It helps me, and I really like it because I'm still deciding what to study in the university. :)

 Your welcome nack, choose what you want, don't listen to others too much, and you won't regret a single day

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Thananyas wrote:

It was a great quote for us, Annie !! :D I have one too from the bible ! "Stand at the crossroad and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Ask yourselves what you want to do before you decide to do something that you don't really want to do : ) yay!!

 Thankyou for sharing back another quote

Thankyou very much Tarn


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Thank you for sharing Natrada. To all seniors who is not sure about the pathway of their life yet. An inspiring quote

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