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Topic: Do you believe aliens existed?

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Do you believe aliens existed?
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I do believe that aliens are real, i have watched many tv show about aliens, and they got prove and everything to show that aliens are real, and they do not live in this planet

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I believe it too. Who is to say they do not exist. There are so many things unexplored and unexplainable in this universe. I believe there are so much things that do exist that we don't know about.

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I actually do not believe stories about aliens approaching our world. I think proves given in websites and news are based from opnions and beliefs of people more than true story.

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I am a Christian, but I also think there might be a chance that there are aliens out there in the space. If it is true, it will be very amazing. Aliens stories like Area 51, Roswell UFO incident, etc are very interesting

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I think alien actually exist. I don't think we are the only one in such a big universe

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Maybe, because this universe is sooo big we can't even imagine how big it is.

they might call us aliean too

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No i dont believe that aliens exist. I think that only Earth has living things and other planets in the universe dont have the right environment for any thing to live. But when i watch alien movies I still feel scared that maybe they are real and might come and take over Earth.

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yes i believe they actually exist as they saying says " we are not alone here" so we should tum jai that we will encounter sooner of later in our lives

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There is probably life somewhere else in the universe, but there is ZERO evidence on any coming to earth. there are so many things in the sky these days anything can be mistaken for a UFO.

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there has been several aliens sighting and UFO sightings on your planet

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Aliens are very interesting, there are some buildings that are merely impossible for human beings to make it like two of the seven wonders of the world. Stonehenge and The Pyramid.

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I think Aliens are real, but we just never see them. There are many things in this world that we didn't see it yet.

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I believe that aliens existed. I think they've found my evidence about it, but even though they don't I believe that things that you can't see doesn't mean that it didn't exist. Just like spirits, you can't see them but they existed.

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I think they are real because there are millions of galaxies out there and I'm sure at least one of them has organisms on it!

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